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Frenzy Returns to the Underground with Brisk @ Dusk Till Dawn
Friday 5th October 2007
The October Frenzy event saw hard dance return to its spiritual home in Bournemouth as Dusk Till Dawn nightclub opened their doors to hardcore and hard house. This venue was previously Club Destiny and had hosted Frenzy parties back in 2005 including the record-breaking Anne Savage and Guyver night, the Ed Real lock-in, and many so more we could mention. Frenzy were returning to the underground with a hardcore and house line-up.

The Underground Lair dancing to the sounds of Frenzy
Proceeding were kicked off with something not so hard, and that was Frenzy resident Carl Phoenix. As we know he's camp as tits but hard as nails when it comes to his music and on Friday he went for the former. Carl was on the reception floor for this one so played a two hour set of funky electro with a bit of vocal, to welcome everyone into the venue.

A smiley happy lady on the middle floor
Whilst Carl was warming everyone up, the very brave ventured down into the depths of the Dusk Till Dawn basement where Hardcore Marrows' residents, MTech and K12 were launching into their bouncy sounds for the first hour. Their style worked perfectly leading up into Shock Record's Daina... or it would've done but for a technical hitch of Daina having the incompatible CDs on him (through no fault of his own I might add....!) Hats off to MTech and K12 who filled in for an extra thirty minutes until Frenzy residents Cheeky Scott and Jo Jo could take to the decks.

Frenzy is always a jaw-dropping experience
Cheeky Scott and Jo Jo have been doing a lot of doubling-up recently so we hear, and looked extremely comfortable during their back to back set of hard house classics. It was the typical Frenzy sound with a mix from Tidy Trax, Nukleuz, 12 Inch Thumpers, and Kaktai record labels.

DJ Brisk takes to the Frenzy decks
Next up was hardcore and hard dance legend, Brisk who is known for his work under the Stimulant DJs and Next Generation names. He proved to be the ideal crossover artist to take the underground lair from hard house into hardcore and battered the speakers for the next hour with an assault to the senses... a pleasurable one!

Kung Foo fighting at Frenzy
Following on from Brisk was Fusion resident Clodhopper, who is proving to be an upcoming name on the hardcore scene. Clodhopper maintained the steady hardcore for the next hour before moving over to let Exalt and Kickit play for the last hour in the basement at Dusk Till Dawn.

Frenzy will let anyone in... even this lot
Back upstairs, DJ Jedi was rinsing out the old skool rave and breaks to great acclaim, and also had Destiny's DJ Wilma for support. Following those two was Frenzy resident Daina aka Jon Merritt playing a selection of electro including some of his own productions under the Dirty Inc name. Wrapping up the night's entertainment was Fire FM's very own DJ Dubyah, friend of Frenzy and all round saviour for coming to our rescue. All in all another cracking event!

Daina aka Jon Merritt... Frenzy's electro specialist
Frenzy's next event is our 5th birthday with Ed Real, Slinky and Tidy's Kym Ayres, plus all the Frenzy residents. The event is on the 2nd of November at Dusk Till Dawn so check our listings for full information on this hard house and electro party.
Photos courtesy of Charlie Raven