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Frenzy with BK, 12 Inch Thumpers and the Brain Bashers @ The Old Firestation
Saturday 12th May 2007
Frenzy's fourth event at Bournemouth's Old Firestation in 2007 saw us yet again team up with Bournemouth co-promotors Resonate for a night of hard house, hard trance, and general debauchery. Unlike last month, this time Frenzy was in the upstairs room which has almost become like a second home to us over the last five months and has allowed us to expose the Sound of Frenzy to more and more south coast clubbers.

A Frenzy clubber checks out the line-up
Frenzy gives you big hard house line-ups in Bournemouth
Our Firestation events allow us to bring you bigger line-ups than our Empire parties usually do, and this one was no exception with possibly the biggest name in hard house from the last seven years headlining for us. That name is BK. Joining him were our old friends Rachael and Graham Shock (aka the Brain Bashers from Shock Records) and the 12 Inch Thumpers.

One of the faithful Frenzy Army!
The Frenzy residents mash it up
Opening up the evenings events was Frenzy resident Jo Jo, who was then followed by DJ Wilma. Wilma was quickly joined by Cheeky Scott quite off the cuff, which set the scene for the evening really! Our residents are what make us tick so it was good to see them having so much fun.

DJ Wilma, Nick 12 Inch, and Cheeky Scott mash it up
12 Inch Thumpers have a new member!
Our first guests for the evening were Frenzy favourites, the 12 Inch Thumpers. Unfortunately Jake couldn't make it so it was down to Nick to fly the 12 Inch flag. He didn't have to do that alone though, as Frenzy resident Jo Jo stepped into Jake's shoes meaning that we did have two 12 Inch Thumpers after all!

Frenzy's Jo Jo becomes a 12 Inch Thumper for the night
The Brain Bashers take control
Next up were Rachael Shock and Graham Eden. This was the guys first gig in about three years as they've been taking a bit of time out... but what a way to make your comeback. They soon reminded us why the Shock Records label was so popular back in the day with a quality set. They tell us that this won't be the last time we see them too so let's keep our fingers crossed for that.

Nick 12 Inch, Rachael Shock, and Cheeky Scott
Hard house legend BK makes his Frenzy debut
The final guest act of the evening was BK who was visiting Frenzy for the first time. It was quite a special act to have as he is one of the true legends of hard house having produced anthem after anthem including Cortina's Music Is Moving, Let The Rhythm Move You, Bad Ass and so many more. His set for Frenzy was a showcase for his new album Under The Influence so we were exposed to a lot of his new material on the night. Top work!

BK can't quite believe he's finally playing for Frenzy
The Frenzy Boys bring back the b-b-b-bounce
This led nicely onto what is now becoming the Frenzy tradition, which is our back to back team of Big Al and Daina taking to the decks and smashing out the last hour with their typical energetic bounce set. It's always an ideal way to end the night, as they tend to wear out those that are still standing and send them off into the night with a smile on their face and a good image of what Frenzy is all about... having a laugh and basically taking the piss.

Big Al and Daina with their bouncy antics
Frenzy make a success with another hard dance party
Cheers to everyone who made it. It was good to see that the main room of the Firestation can work with the Frenzy vibe. This was the first time we'd done the main arena in the venue so big shouts out to everyone who came along and made it a success.

Some loyal Frenzy punters pull some faces
Frenzy's next event is on the 8th of June at the Empire Club. The theme is Frenzy's Future Heroes and we have new Slinky resident Velos making his debut for us alongside Weymouth bad boys MNKY & Ryki... to find out more check our events section. It's only £3 to get in before 11pm and £4 after.