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Frenzy presents our charity night with Kym Ayres, Jon the Baptist, & Jody Osman
Friday 13th April 2007

The charity night flyer
You all managed to raise over a grand for a charity. That charity was the Poole Neo-Natal Intensive Care Unit who look after poorly babies. I know that a lot of our regular clubbers have an afinity with this charity so I don't think we could have picked a better cause. Anyway, that's the background to the night, and I feel we should leave it there now, so let's concentrate on the night itself.

A very naughty nurse waiting to give someone an injection
The night kicks off in style
The night began extremely busy with clubbers getting there early to claim their free charity gift from Frenzy, which was a ticket to the Frantic Tour next Saturday with Anne Savage. We managed to take loads of addresses and the clipboard was very much in demand, so expect your free ticket sometime in the post this week.

Some of the many Frenzy clubbers who got into the theme!

Doctor Carl and Nurse Jo Jo in the middle of a medical procedure

One of the many nurses who showed up...

There's a doctor in the house!

The Frenzy basement in full flow to the hard house

Jody Osman from Cheeky Little Monkey returning to Frenzy

Tidy Girl Kym Ayres gets into the doctors and nurses theme

DJ Daina was as entertaining as usual!

The Frenzy army are poised for world domination
The tearful bit...
And now for the cheesy thank yous:
Frenzy's next date is at the Old Firestation where we're hosting the Frantic Tour on the 21st of April. DJs will include Anne Savage, Cally Gage and Charlotte Birch. Check our events section for more information.
Some photos courtesy of Anthony Davis, Ricky Jordan & John Black