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Frenzy's Bournemouth Hard Summer Ball 2008 with Technikal @ Dusk Till Dawn
Friday 18th July 2008
For the second year running Frenzy hosted Bournemouth's Hard Summer Ball and this time had Alf Bamford aka Technikal as the star attraction. Unfortunately Tom Parr could not make it, but that was more than compensated for with one of Frenzy's best nights of 2008. Bryn Whiting did an excellent warm-up set, and was followed in style by Cheeky Scott, Technikal, Carl Phoenix, and finally MNKY & Ryki. Top top floor was electro with Dirty Inc, Point A, and Ryan Williams. Photos from the night can be seen after the flyer seen below.

DJ Bryn takes to the Frenzy decks

Two Frenzy clubbers having a cuddle

Frenzy resident Cheeky Scott

Crazy crazy nights

Three lovely ladies and a balloon monkey

Not quite sure if she's happy or not... you decide

The main room was very very hot

Thumbs up for another great Frenzy event

Technikal played a fantastic set

MNKY and Ryki closed proceedings
Our next event is on Friday the 1st of August 2008 when we host Frisky, SL-DJ and many more when Frenzy "Gets Fierce". Doors open 11pm. Check the forthcoming events for full details.
Photos courtesy of Charlie Raven.