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Slinky's Halloween Ball 2008 with Frenzy in Room 2 @ The Opera House
Friday 31st October 2008
Slinky's annual and traditional Halloween Ball was a ghastly affair. The main room hosted Slinky with Judge Jules and Lee Haslam whilst Frenzy vs Slinky Hard rocked the second room. In the Frenzy room the hard house clubbers were entertained by Alf Bamford (Technikal), Helen G, Cheeky Scott, Velos, MNKY & Ryki, and Bryn Whiting.

Slinky resident Velos was on the line-up that night

Bryn Whiting kicked things off in room two

Frenzy's Cheeky Scott and a very ghostly apparition

Judge Jules look genuinely star-struck by Frenzy and Slinky residents Dirty Inc

The venue was complete with various vamps

A very scary and angry looking ghost bloke

This girl can't believe she's got the new Frenzy CD

An inflatable Frankenstein on the main stage

Judge Jules' laser eye claims another victim in the main room

Frenzy's MNKY & Ryki closed the proceedings in room two with some hard trance
Our next event is Frenzy's Birthday with Andy Whitby Friday the 7th of November 2008. Chris B will be supporting and doors open an hour earlier at 10pm. Check our forthcoming events for full details.
Photos courtesy of Charlie Raven.