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Frenzy vs Resonate @ Dusk Till Dawn Nightclub
Friday 6th March 2009
Frenzy in March saw a return to our hard house roots with starring roles from Kym Ayres and Paul King. Supporting them in the main room were Frenzy residents Cheeky Scott and Carl Phoenix who played back to back as well as MNKY & Ryki. Future hero, V-i-C completed the line-up.
In room two we were electro all night with DJ Wilma and Vesta plus a new face in Alex Warren. Completing the cast were the magnificent Dirty Inc, plus PointA and Stuff Ya Disco making a debut.
The Frenzy flyer from the night

Kym Ayres & Paul King in the party mood

There were some real freaks in this place

DJ Wilma on the wheels of steel

Frenzy resident Carl Phoenix

Frenzy's electro double act Dirty Inc

Kym Ayres being naughty as usual

Kym Ayres & Paul King behind the Frenzy decks

Kym and Paul in a quieter moment

Frenzy clubbers having a good time

A few of Frenzy's favourite ladies cames out to play

As usual Frenzy had its fair share of lovely ladies

V-i-C milks the Frenzy dancefloor for all it's worth
Our next event is Frenzy's with James Condon and Iain Cross when hard house and hard style comes together. Check our forthcoming events for full details.
Photos courtesy of Charlie Raven.