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The Frenzy Army @ Dusk Till Dawn Nightclub
Friday 3rd April 2009
Our April event saw us return to the harder beats as the Frenzy Army descended once again onto Dusk Till Dawn nightclub in Bournemouth. A great night saw the main room reverb to hard dance through to hardstyle with DJs Cheeky Scott, Iain Cross from Resonate, new resident Helen G, plus debuts from Frantic's James Condon, plus Dan Leak. For a change we opened the main room first and I think we will continue to do this from now on.
The second room saw an amazing electro set and dancefloor from DJ Wilma and Carl Phoenix back to back with support from Lil' Bri and Alex Warren. Dirty Inc were unavailable due to some very dodgy set programming from the promoter! Photos from the night are as usual below the poster so please scroll down.
The Frenzy flyer from the night

He loves it loads at Frenzy

These girls looked like they were in reflective mode

New Frenzy resident Helen G

The lovely ladies were once again out in force to support us

Carl Phoenix and DJ WIlma with the best set ever witnessed in room 2

Room two goes off to the sound of electro and old skool

Two of the faithful Frenzy regulars from Wessex TV

Resonate's Iain Cross with his second Frenzy appearance of 2009

We don't think she'd get past customs

The many famous faces to grace yet another Frenzy night

Frantic's James Condon made his debut

Frenzy sisters are doing it for themselves

Sometimes Frenzy can make you cross-eyed

Alex Warren dives out the way of Lil'Bri

It was this big so he says

Frenzy cyber punks coming at ya

What about George?
Our next event is at Dusk Till Dawn on Friday the 5th of June. Check our forthcoming events for full details.
Photos courtesy of Charlie Raven.