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Who the fuck is DJ Wilma… find out about our resident DJ and skydiver before his set with the Tidy Boys and Mark EG at the Opera House
11th November 2008 - interview copyright of Frenzy
DJ Wilma is a mysterious man, but not for much longer! From once owning Club Destiny, to how he got his name, we've got all the dirt. Find out more about him and his skydiving antics in advance of Keep Bournemouth Tidy at the Opera House.

DJ Wilma on the wheels of steel
1. Our first question has to be, why DJ Wilma and where does the name come from?
Well, my brothers have a lot to answer for this one. As my name is Dylan, it gets shortened to Dyl, which sounds like Will. After an hour of being called Will in a cottage in France I started to cry. They thought I was a bit of a girl so the female version of Will is Wilma.
I didn’t actually pick it as a DJ name, it comes from when I split from my girlfriend of 6 years and my brother sent me two decks, a mixer and about 200 records saying I was playing two weeks later at Destiny. So I turned up at the Old Firestation so find out i was DJ Wilma… thanks Olly

DJ Wilma needs you
2. A question that we’ve heard down the years is “Who the fuck is DJ Wilma?” - Could you please answer the question once and for all?
I'm just some random guy who enjoys his music and is lucky enough to have been able to run a nightclub and help promote a couple of nights. All mainly due to my brother but it’s been a good life and I have enjoyed almost every minute. Oh and I'm a bit of an adrenalin junky as most who have been in my car will know.
3. Frenzy’s monthly home venue Dusk Till Dawn used to be called Club Destiny. You were part of it back then – have you got any special or crazy memories of the place?
From opening late on the first night because we hadn’t finished the club and having to fill the staff cars with wood and crap as we didn’t have a skip, to asking the police to hurry up arresting someone whilst two of them were sat on a punter going mental trying to handcuff him as they were putting people off coming into the club.

DJ Wilma learns on the job
Then there’s the legendary Ed Real and Frenzy afterparty back in 2005. We were so drunk we stopped the music and ordered a round of drinks as we couldn’t be bothered to leave the decks which the crowd cheered, to throwing Jesus out the club for touching my Mrs (sorry by the way).
But the best night was a close call between DJ SS's second visit, as this was the best Dnb set ever played in that club, to DJ’ing on the Anne Savage Frenzy night whilst by brother MC'd to a totally rammed club.
Having said that thought, it wasn’t always fun though. Once I had to shut the club down due to an idiot not wanting to come out and the police not wanting to go in. I think Olly should write a book about Club Destiny, and our nights sitting at the end of the bar like the two grumpy men from the Muppets.

DJ Wilma back in the Club Destiny days
4. You’re going to be going back-to-back with Cheeky Scott on the Keep Bournemouth Tidy event. Do you have any special treats and surprise in store for the clubbers?
Well if Scott lets me I'll have a few tunes most normal DJs wouldn’t play. I think you have to have a sense of humour when playing so I'll play a classic remix like Maniac from Flash Dance or Mr Vain or Fame. But we'll definitely being playing more of a classic hard house set to warm the club up, but most times we are laughing at each other!
5. How would you describe the DJ Wilma hard house sound?
Its like Bombay Duck, first impressions are not great as it smells like crap, looks even worse and if you know how its made you'll never go near it but tastes great when you try it.
Basically I cant mix so I try and pick the best tunes I can for the dance floor - and I haven;t had a complaint so far.

You can usually notice DJ Wilma driving around Bournemouth
6. You always seem to surprise the clubbers with a different record now and again at your Frenzy gigs. How many records are there currently in the DJ Wilma collection?
As my brother used to own a record shop tunes were easy to come by.. I'd say I have over 3000 vinyl tunes in my spare room plus about 120gb of mp3. But I could probably only name about 10 of them as I'm not good at remembering who made the tunes.
7. We’re closing the Frenzy skydive competition in a few days time and one lucky winner will be strapped to you whilst diving from a plane. Is this completely safe and are you qualified to do so?
It’s completely safe and statistically safer than walking down the road or going to school! And yes, I am qualified to do it - it takes 800 jumps before you can dive which is a week long course. The competition winner strapped to me will be fine as I don’t want to die either - most of the time i know what I'm doing. It is the best feeling in the world - almost as good as sex - plus it lasts a lot longer as you can get about 60 seconds of freefall on your own.

DJ Wilma DJ'ing at Dusk Till Dawn
8. What was the last dream you had?
As Cheeky Scott and the missus will tell you I'm a very deep sleeper so don’t often remember my dreams… and it’s very difficult to wake me up once i'm gone.
But if I had a dream it would be for world peace, and for the Frenzy religion to be worldwide.

DJ Wilma doing his bit for the Frenzy religion
9, Finally, what are DJ Wilma’s Top 5 records in any particular order?
At the moment it’s BK & Vinylgroover – Microwave, Tainted Love (Remix by Mindbender) by Kikkoman, Maniac (Club Mix) by the Topmodelz, Big Fun by Vinylgroover & Organ Donors and Komotose by Scott Attrill & Anne Savage.
DJ Wilma will be supporting the Tidy Boys and Mark EG at Keep Bournemouth Tidy on the 28th of November. Check our forthcoming events for details.
Some photos courtesy of Charlie Raven.